At Ohio State's spring game on Saturday, QB Cardale Jones threw a 74-yard pass in front of the 99,000-plus during the Buckeyes' longest pass competition. Check it out...

Filed Under: NCAA Football
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UKWildcatsFAN118 months
Bundy does that shite in his sleep.
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ShlikStyck118 months
2 of the 3 qbs are wasting their time. Should have bailed or transferred. Dam shame
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hogminer118 months
72.5 yards
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CP3LSU25118 months
F*** Ohio State
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Peliclown118 months
That's easy I can throw 75 yards
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hsfolk118 months
Saints need to get Cardale to replace Brees
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Rebel Land Shark118 months
That's not surprising at all
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SpookeyTiger118 months
I was at their Spring Game and he wasn't impressive. Record crowd though, gotta give em that.
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Mac118 months
Jamarcus could do that on one knee
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ItNeverRains118 months
My uncle Rico threw a pig skin a quarter mile in high school
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SPEEDY118 months
Looked more like 73 yards
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Pavoloco83118 months
tOSU still sucks. frick those guys.
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DVinBR118 months
no one should disagree he should start next year for them
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