The movie Rudy is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a director's cut featuring 13 extra minutes. Once scene added was a speech given by Rudy's dad...

It features the Ruettigers at some sort of Christmas community function. Rudy, who never needed a program to know the players, happens to see a second-string defensive back for the Fighting Irish. That sparks a conversation about what makes Notre Dame special and Ned Beatty, a bit underutilized in the final cut, delivers one hell of a soliloquy. It's as though he's waited his whole life, working tough jobs and raising too many kids, for this very moment were he can wax poetic about what that place over in South Bend represents.
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(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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NPComb10 months
You're a Woodah-gar!
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Skinny10 months
I still cry my eyes out watching this. Montana never got it. The story is Rudy still played for Notre Dame. He still graduated from Notre Dame. Both should have never happened but he did it.
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ALhunter10 months
This is Alabama to this day...
It's why they have so many bandwagon fans who go off the deep end when Bama loses.
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UnitedFruitCompany10 months
One of the greatest movies, sports or otherwise, of all time.
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cajunmud10 months
Hmm meh, I see why it was on the cutting room floor.
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boston vol10 months
The real Rudy Ruettiger is gigantic piece of trash and the movie is full of shite. Oliver Stone’s “JFK” is lord historically accurate than Rudy.
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boston vol10 months
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kkv7510 months
Hate much?
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cajunmud10 months
Tell us more about the real Rudy.
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