Nebraska unveiled new TECHFIT adidias uniforms called “Red Rising” on Friday. The team will wear these new threads when they play Illinois September 27th...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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SECdragonmaster121 months

The storied program of Nebraska resorting to uniform changes to get attention.

Leave that silliness to the Boise state and Georgia's of the world.

Traditional powers like Auburn and Nebraska don't need to do it.
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panzer121 months
That really really really really looks like carp. I would have said crap, but I didn't want to insult manure. I hope the fish accept my apologies.
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tigerbite2121 months
Sheesh...more like out of a marvel comic book or something...I have a question, will they still be known as "cornhuskers" or "spiderboys of the Midwest"?????
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1cajuncook121 months
Bo, just say NO.
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Babboo121 months
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Jaydeaux121 months
Blah. Man where is Osborne
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Signal Soldier121 months
Adidas sucks
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AGoodTexan121 months
Doesn't suit Nebraska AT ALL.
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