Coastal Carolina beat Appalachian State on a walk-off short field goal. One celebration went like this...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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CanebreakCajun11 months
I'm really getting tired of student sections throwing shot on the field. They did at Ole Piss, they did it at Miami. These young people suck.
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jbird711 months
Ours does it too. But I agree.
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DeafVallyBatnR11 months
Why would you waist a beer like that.
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KennabraTiger11 months
Should’ve used his hip instead
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Beers should only be thrown at the referees if their bad call costs your team the game. Beers are also allowed to be thrown at one of your rent-a-players if they make a boneheaded play that costs your team the game.
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CP3LSU2511 months
When did it become the norm to throw a beer at a player. He should have beat his arse like the pacers did that fan in Detroit
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Bige1111 months
Yea that went over well. May have cost Reggie a championship.
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Leopold11 months
That's the correct response.
I'm drinkin' what you're buyin'
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