This poor Utah fan who hit a half court shot for $5,000 during the Utah vs. Eastern Washington on Friday night can't collect his money from the bank because he's 17 years-old...
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Then why did they let him participate?

Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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bcoop19987 months
Give him a 5k savings bond.
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Hangit87 months
It turns out that it is the school, not the bank. They have gotten so much negative publicity that they are going to meet with him on Monday to "Try and work something out". There is no working something out to me. Give the boy his money.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy87 months
Mormons are good people though???
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iglass87 months
Univ of Utah is not run or related to the LDS church. Nothing to do with it at all. Pay him, he earned it.
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TigerNlc87 months
They should put it in an account until he is 18. 5k is chump change for a bank.
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Thracken1387 months
who put that event on - Jackie Moon?
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Cheupique87 months
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Godfather187 months
These sponsors, especially when they're banks, look for any angle they can to get out of paying off on these promotions. One of the local banks had a promo years ago where if an LSU baseball player hit a grand slam, the lucky number holder would win $10k. Lo and behold, it happened and the bank tried to welch on the deal. The guy had to sue the bank to get his money.
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BowDownToLSU87 months
That is some bullshite right there. Pay that boy his money
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Smalls87 months
The bank will owe more than 5k in bad PR if they don't make it right.
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TheWalrus87 months
Genius, only let ineligible participants compete and never owe a sense. These promotion scammers deserve a good kick to the groin.
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TheWalrus87 months
Cent, not sure how it autocorrected to sense
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stniaSxuaeG87 months
Too bad. I bet the young fella would have picked sense of smell.
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