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Now that USC head coach Andy Enfield will have Bronny James on the court next season, he shared what LeBron has been like as a basketball dad...

"Well, Savannah and LeBron have been extremely supportive of Bronny and his decision to come to USC. They have a great understanding of what it takes to become a great player. I think the expectations -- there are certainly expectations -- but the expectations are not unreasonable as parents," he said, via
"They want what most other parents want. They want their son to come get an education, develop on the basketball court, play with other good players and to have a coaching staff that can help them develop and help him become a better player. We think, as coaching staff, LeBron and Savannah have a great understanding of what it's going to take for Bronny to be a great college player and get to the next level," he concluded.
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NBA
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LSUrme16 months
This guy's life is going to be miserable for the next 1-3 years.
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BGLAVI216 months
Jesus Christ enough about Lebron. Stop talking about Lebron!
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DeafVallyBatnR16 months
Why are you still talking about Labron. That's ironic.
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BGLAVI216 months
Jesus Christ enough about Lebron. Stop talking about Lebron!
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DeafVallyBatnR16 months
I said I agreed
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BGLAVI216 months
Jesus Christ enough about Lebron. Stop talking about Lebron!
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DeafVallyBatnR16 months
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sportjunkie6916 months
I don't get the Lebron hate. The dude is building schools in his hometown. He's no Draymond Green on the court, and doesn't outright disrespect his opponents. He takes winning and losing like a professional. He doesn't get into off the court trouble. He's definitely not running around on Instagram showing off his gun arsenal. He's just a good dude.
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lsusteve116 months
Except for the made up hate crime?
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ncinthenext316 months
I'd have to give a frick.
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Shaq4prez16 months
what did you expect the coach to say? Bronny is USC's meal ticket. And btw, USC's new coach is Lebron James. At least for the next year or two
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