Mark Cuban Completely Rips College Basketball
Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban doesn't hold back what he's thinking. On Wednesday, he ripped the college basketball game apart to ESPN Dallas’ Tim McMahon...

“If they want to keep kids in school and keep them from being pro players, they’re doing it the exact right way by having the 35-second shot clock and having the game look and officiated the way it is,” Cuban said Wednesday night. “Just because kids don’t know how to play a full game of basketball.

“You’ve got three kids passing on the perimeter. With 10 seconds on the shot clock, they try to make something happen and two other kids stand around. They don’t look for anything and then run back on defense, so there’s no transition game because two out of five or three out of five or in some cases four out of five kids aren’t involved in the play.

“The referees couldn’t manage a White Castle. Seriously, the college game is more physical than the NBA game, and the variation in how it’s called from game to game [is a problem]. Hell, they don’t even have standards on balls. They use different balls. One team’s got one ball, the other team’s got another ball. There are so many things that are ridiculous.”
White Castle was listening...
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Filed Under: NBA
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adono118 months
Mark Cuban makes Donald Trump look like a humble guy.
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Srbtiger06118 months
Stop talking? He's spot on.
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Walking the Earth118 months
I don't blame White Castle for jumping in and trying to milk the free pub but Cuban was actually paying them a (backhanded) compliment by saying they were more competent than college refs.

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