Check out ESPN basketball analyst Brian Windhorst fall asleep during a live interview on TV on Tuesday. The dude just goes out like a light...
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I can only imagine what the producer is saying in his ear..."Dude you're sleeping, wake up."
Filed Under: NBA
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KindaRaw102 months
Probably dreaming of Lebron.
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Woverw102 months
What we have here are two medical conditions. One, narcolepsy and two, chest buttocks syndrome.
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Signal Soldier102 months
Should have taken a bump
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Fus0623102 months
Damn Cari Champion playing no games these days...
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SG_Geaux102 months
Now that is how you do Sleep Apnea
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy102 months
Boy needs some adderral
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chRxis102 months
Cari Champion is FAF
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vuvuzela102 months
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smash williams102 months
That cleavage though.
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c on z102 months
Lunch finally kicked in.
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mkibod1102 months
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Caplewood102 months
Nodding off high as frick off opiates probably
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emanresu102 months
Looking down at his papers. Audio delay.
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