These Wiffle Ball Pitches Are INSANE
Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports
I'd rather be able to pitch like this than a real baseball...

Filed Under: MLB
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LSUNV52 months
Yeah doing this with waffle balls is not that impressive. Now, hitting them with good contact would be way more impressive
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JackieTreehorn52 months
I don’t understand wiffle baws.
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OGTiger52 months
I’ve seen better breaking balls in the quad.
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Scoob52 months
You can hear the wind in the microphone. If there's any type of crosswind, then a wiffle ball is going to have serious movement. It ain't rocket science. We used to do this horsing around with a big shop fan; it would shift the ball maybe 25-30 degrees when it hit the wind current.
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idlewatcher52 months
How far does a whiffle ball travel when hit? 3 feet?
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TFH52 months
If you’d let your sister up she would show how far
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Buckeye Jeaux52 months
That's what every pitch looked like to me in Little League and Pony League
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DeafVallyBatnR52 months
It's not fare. The ball moves the pitcher is not doing anything but pressure points. When I was a kid you had to actually make the whiffle ball move.
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Arkapigdiesel52 months
Paying a high fare isn't very fair.
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DeafVallyBatnR52 months
Once you misspell and post you can not correct in this part of the site. I apologize for my mistake and I bow to you as a superior human being.
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Vidic52 months
Grown men actually do this? Lol
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