The Value Of Mark McGwire's $3 Million 70th HR Ball Has Plummeted Big Time
© Stan Szeto-USA TODAY Sports
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If you watched Sunday's 30 For 30, you saw that famous comic book artist, Todd McFarlane, bought Mark McGwire's 70th HR ball at an auction in '98 for $3 million. Well, the value have decreased quite a bit since then


Ken Goldin of Goldin Auctions now estimates the ball's current value at $250k to $300k.

David Kohler, who runs SCP Auctions, is a little more optimistic ... "$250,000 to $400,000, tops."

These guys know the business ... Ken's been dealing with high-end collectibles for decades and recently sold a rare Mike Trout baseball card for more than $900,000.

David specializes in game-used historic baseballs ... selling some of the most famous HR balls ever including Barry Bonds 762 ball, A-Rod's 500 and 600 HR baseballs and more.

In other words, they know the market.

Filed Under: MLB
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Twenty 4956 months
I bid $3.50
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GoRuckTiger56 months
I know Trout is a great player but how is it possible that one of his baseball cards be worth $900K and who is the idiot who bought it. Is it made out of pure 24K gold? FFS, I don’t think there is a Babe Ruth card out there that is worth 900K.
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kciDAtaE56 months
An autographed Ruth could fetch 7 figures. Especially in good condition.
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AustinKnight56 months
Jeez I don’t know what Ol Todd was thinking on that transaction
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claremontrich56 months
He was thinking: “ shite! This mother fricker hit 70 home runs???! That’s insane! It’ll never be broken”
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claremontrich56 months
Well that’s pretty obvious since 70 homers Is not the record any more
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