Frisco RoughRiders manager, Joe Mikulik, has been tossed from a few games before and followed those ejections with over the top meltdowns. Tuesday night, was not any different. He added this clip to his meltdown highlight reel...

Filed Under: MLB
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pete4tide100 months
My god - where do you people come from? Minor league baseball would be nowhere if it wasn't for characters like this. Man, I'd rather see a manager get all up an ump's arse for a bush league call than watch an entire major league game where it looks like the manager is just there to chew tobacco and hand over the lineup.
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Woverw100 months
Graduate of the Billy Martin School of challenging umpire calls.
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Witecoco100 months
That went on for far too long.
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pointdog33100 months
I wish umpires had tasers for guys like him
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pellietigersaint100 months
what a sissy arse pussy. kicking chalk up and bases. dude needs his arse whipped.
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JumpingTheShark100 months
Like most minor league teams, Frisco has an awesome mascot, and their hats are awesome LINK
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BowDownToLSU100 months
Attention whore ....nothing more
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PatDyesPants100 months
How does a grown man act like that
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