Frisco Rough Riders manager Joe Mikulik had a meltdown after a blown call in the fifth inning of their game against the Midland Rock Hounds on Tuesday. During said meltdown, he very impressively dropped kick the heck out of his shoe...

But seriously, what a terrible call.
Filed Under: MLB
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Quatre Pot111 months
for the record, that was as bad a call as I've ever seen 3 professional umpires miss. Rant was mild compared to what was deserved.
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GumboDave111 months
I think Larry got dropkicked as a baby. Definitely a punt.

Also, runner should be safe.
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ShamelessPel111 months
That shoe punt was ridiculous. The hangtime and distance was insane.
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bayourougebengal111 months
I hate being "that guy", Larry,but that was more like a punt.
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PolyPusher86111 months
This guy doesn't have shite on Wally Backman
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