Here's Pete Rose Casually Gambling At Mandalay Bay Sports Book
Rob Leifheit-USA TODAY Sports
Well, he still enjoys his bets. Former baseball star Pete Rose was seen gambling at the Mandalay Bay Sports Book over the weekend...
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You can see a pic of him actually placing a bet here. Rose is awaiting the Commissioner's decision on whether to him reinstate by the end of the year.
Filed Under: MLB
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Dignan108 months
The only problem I have with Pete Rose is that he announced he bet on baseball the day after LSU won the national title in January '04, thus changing the national sports headline.
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GeeOH108 months
shite, maybe he owns a horse that was racing somewhere else.

This is a none story for one of the best players of all time that isn't allowed to be in the HOF.
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themunch108 months
What they said.
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Vacherie Saint108 months
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TKLSUMD109 months
Who cares. If he wants to bet, then go for it. I have no problem with it. It is legal.
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