Some dude on Craigslist is offering Nationals and Orioles playoff tickets in exchange for a threesome. Which really could be a decent deal, depending on if you're nut job or not...

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Filed Under: MLB
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Danny Woodhead124 months
yall realize these are two separate offers, one for ALDS, one for NLDS.

Nats and O's series is in a few weeks
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mkibod1124 months
Tigers = Nats? Poor Larry. But it sounds like Paige will be heading to Baltimore this coming weekend.
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bbap124 months
Are you under the impression the Orioles and Nationals are playing each other? You realize it's not the world series yet huh?
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PolyPusher86124 months
Sounds reasonable
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BAMAisDIESEL09124 months
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AGoodTexan124 months
Prostitution much
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