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That's been a project they've talked about for decades, not just for the Olympics. But yeah the price tag was astounding. And honestly it didn't even look too bad when I saw it. Of course you can't swim in it, but if we're judging it against other major city rivers it would fare quite well imo. ...

re: Olympics are dying

Posted by bbap on 7/26/24 at 6:40 pm
That bearded tranny in lingerie was a bit much though. But agreed, no reason to not watch. ...

re: Beach Volleyball

Posted by bbap on 7/26/24 at 6:21 pm
It also has the absolute best backdrop with its stadium. Should be great. ...
I thought it finished fairly strong. If anyone is watching the NBC broadcast they could just fast forward until the USA goes down the Seine and they'd probably enjoy it more than watching the full four hours. ...

re: France raising the white (Olympic) flag

Posted by bbap on 7/26/24 at 4:24 pm
Right, so not last. Not even close. ...

re: France raising the white (Olympic) flag

Posted by bbap on 7/26/24 at 4:10 pm
[quote]Then they are having a Spaniard do the last piece of torch light.[/quote] This isn't true ...
[quote]Reading through this thread… man y’all are some haters[/quote] I didn't think it was as bad as this thread made it out to be, but it really wasn't good. A nice firework or drone show to end it would help. ...
[quote]Did they put the fricking flag on upside down?[/quote] Lol...
[quote]Bruh this is the worst of my lifetime the frick are you talking about lol[/quote] Well he was talking about Beijing opening ceremony so... ...
Yeah the horse was neat but we don't need to watch it cover 4 miles. ...
[quote]It’s a shitty arse Commie song[/quote] I thought she did a good rendition of it though, regardless of the meaning. ...
The biggest problem with lady gaga performing wasn't that she isn't French, it's that it was f'ing dreadful. I can't stress how bad it was. ...
Ha I thought it was pitbull at first. ...

re: Aaliyah Chavez top schools

Posted by bbap on 7/26/24 at 1:48 pm
I mean Dawn Staley is certainly racist. There's really no question about it. It's just objectively a fact at this point. ...
[quote]I, for one, thought the heavy metal part finally brought some life to this thing[/quote] Agreed ...
Getting the bells of Notre Dame installed in time is pretty cool. ...
[quote]Has anyone ever heard of Paris Syndrome? It's a real thing and it's when tourists go to Paris they get some mild depression because they're so disappointed in the city after they had built it up in their minds because of the way Paris is depicted in tv and film. This is like Paris Syndrome co...