For the sake of school elections, UCLA LB Myles Jack took down some kid named Danny Siegel who is running for UCLA Student Association Council General Representative. It was all a part of his "clever" campaign video, however I think Myles enjoyed it...

Filed Under: LSU Sports
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TexasTiger89118 months
Good stuff
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Rebel Land Shark118 months
I would vote for him
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trevo_410118 months
oh yes and a targetting penalty... what a scumbag
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trevo_410118 months
that was a great use of the mat...
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Violent Tally118 months
I'd vote for
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hg118 months
Throw the flag
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chesty118 months
Great campaign. Kid shy'd away from contact but do you blame him ?
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SECSolomonGrundy118 months
that's a bold strategy cotton...
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