LSU released the following statement on Thursday regarding the Our Lady of the Lake embezzlement scheme audit stating that LSU Athletics was involved in two questionable issues, both of which were reported to the NCAA in 2018.

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jcc400966 months
I have known mr funes since his residency began at OLOlLas part of his post graduate training. He has been involved intimately through an association with LSU athletics which I believe began when his twin brother David interned at the LSU Athletic Dept as part of his post graduate training. I know David was involved as a LSU rep in the recruitment of Rohan Davey. His role was rather benign as my understanding was he just wore the LSU colors to be in the press box to have an LSU presence as frequently as possible when others more intimately involved were not available because he was at the time located in South Florida and probably was a lucky coincidence and convenient. I believe his graduate trading was in Miami and Davey attended Hialeah Miami Lakes HS. Filling in gaps..not responsible for 100% acciuracy as this was a long while ago. This transitioned to a John Paul being a sort of facilitator to Davie. His explanations never went beyond that and could have been innocent just helping Rohan adjust to BR. Could have been more. I take the latest development to indicate that the parent involved was paid as an employee but did not perform work and that the forgeries would be indicative of signing applications, W-2s, direct deposit slips and any reviews that would be due at periodic times. That is my take from reading between the lines...and guessing from some familiarity with the players..again my take is speculation from the outside and no current knowledge.
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Philippines4LSU66 months
Perfect photo to pair with the story. Good work TD staff reporter.
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Bandits5866 months
what does this have to do with athletics?
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Tigers eyes66 months
How does OLOL hiring an LSU student-athletes parent cause LSU to violate NCAA rules? So, what they are saying is if my son plays sports at LSU I cannot use my education and training in the medical field to get a job at OLOL because it will cause LSU to violate an NCAAA rule? WTF!!! So parents of LSU student athletes can't work in the state of Louisiana without it being an LSU violation against NCAA rules? But, it doesn't matter to some of you people on here, you people will make this into a cause for LSU to abandon all sports and self impose the death penalty. OMG, this state is about to suffer the greatest epidemic of the catastrophe syndrome in the history of college athletics. You people are sad individuals.
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MrLSU66 months
LSU has given intentionally misleading information to the public from that Audit Report. The Audit Report is actually REDACTED due to the Dept of Justice's involvement. The DOJ ONLY allowed TWO unredacted allegations to be made public NOT the redacted. This is so much worse than what these idiots at the administration are spitting out publicly.
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AustinKnight66 months
I’m sorry but as much as I’m against Alleva and King this is non sense period.
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lovinLSU66 months spit straight up in the air and it will land in your face...
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CanebreakCajun66 months
An external audit performed by me found that Alleva and King are incompetent tools and should be fired.
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dustytiger12366 months
this is the most hypocritical press announcement ever.. @willwade.. alleva is a cancer.. he needs to be removed along with the communications department.. if there is one..
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GeauxsomeMeaux66 months
Maybe Alleva and FKing should meet to discuss this and to say that they did absolutely nothing wrong!!!
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GoldenAge66 months
LSU doesn’t want to comment on an o going investigation? LMAO. Seems pretty hypocritical
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LSUDAN166 months
Somehow Joe is still on payroll.
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HotDamn66 months
LSU AD has no further comment, but suspended Will Wade for having no further comment until the legal process runs its course.
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sardog1266 months
Sounds like he, F King, and the BOS need to be suspended for the duration.
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Ghost of Colby66 months
Burn it all down. That’s the only way to get rid of F. King and Alleva at this point.
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TheFunk66 months
This seems like very minor page six news.
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