Former LSU running back Jacob Hester recently sat down with Baton Rouge natives Nick Brossette and Clyde Edwards-Helaire to test their LSU running back trivia knowledge. Check out how they did:

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RightWingTiger70 months
Does Hester do these type interviews every week or was this a one time thing? Wouldn't mind seeing these trivia interviews every week with different position players, LB, DB etc.
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Hoosyadaddy71 months
Funny, but would think they would know Billy Cannon.
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RightWingTiger70 months
Honestly I couldn't remember if it was '58 or '59. Seems like they always mention the NC when and his heisman win when showing that clip. Honestly cant believe that anyone that says there an LSU fan wouldn't know it was against Ole Piss.
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alumni9571 months
Funny... and goes to show stats and trivia are more for the fans.
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mtsu71 months
I hope the 1996 answer by Brossette was a joke.
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wesman2171 months
Really wish Guice would've gone for 300 that night.
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wasteland71 months
I'll never forget LF7 running on ole miss.. how many 250+ yard games would leonard have in 2015 if miles wouldn't have pulled him early?
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jimbeam71 months
Didn’t he have like 8 carries? Lol
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mule7471 months
16 carriers for 284. That stretch play just absolutely gashed Ole Miss. He had about 210 yards on three carries.
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AustinKnight71 months
I don’t think in my life I’ll every see something more unstoppable than LF that night vs Ole Misstake
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