Here is video of former LSU wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr showing off his quick feet during a workout from a few weeks ago:

(Music in video clip NSWF)

Filed Under: LSU Football
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Mulerider114 months
And i remember the day when you put in the work to get the glory on the field. Now you put in the work to get the glory of putting in the work.
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Eltegray114 months
was that Ruben Randall?
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whoisnickdoobs114 months
a hundred bottles!
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jembeurt114 months

But damn those are some quick feet!
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Dignan114 months
That dude is a freak with an unlimited ceiling.
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pellietigersaint114 months
thats unreal. quick as hell. looks like it being fast forwarded
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atltiger6487113 months
why do we need to refer to him as OB Jr? Yes, I realize it's his legal name, but is there an Odell Beckham Sr. that plays in the NFL that we might confuse him with? Same for RG3 - is there another Robert Griffin playing for the Redskins? It seems to be the new "hot thing" for players to be called by their full name with suffix added. Seems unnecessary.
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HeavyCore114 months
Not saying he's not fast, he most definitely is, but a good deal of the "super speed" is an illusion created by the light in the background.
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