Former LSU offensive lineman Trai Turner, who now plays guard for the Carolina Panthers got a chance to go up against one of the best when he lined up against the Houston Texans JJ Watt on Sunday.

Watt usually makes offensive lineman look silly on his way to powerful quarterback sacks, but Turner got the best of Watt on this play below and absolutely leveled him.

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nc14112 months
Being shoved 8 yards deep into the backfield was part of the plan? Okay.
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TampaTiger22113 months
Cruiser; he got underneath his right arm and gained leverage. Sorry you can't see that. But watt got abused.
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Cruiserhog113 months
LOL 'destroys'

He tripped over the leg of the LT, and with the help of Trai he went to the ground, anyone that says otherwise on here is full of shite

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Lsu101205113 months
Yea he surely did trip.

On his way down to pancake town.
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emanresu113 months
Clearly tripped over the LTs foot.
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LoveThatMoney113 months
Watt is a self-agrandizing frick stick who thinks his shite smells like roses. He is the anti-Tebow. Where Tebow is earnest and comes off as genuine, Watt comes off as phony and desirous of inflating his own fame. Had my doubts about the clown before the Mett debacle, had my doubts confirmed thereafter. Go jump a box, Watt.
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hbuc88113 months
No, he didn't trip. He was thrown to the ground.
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Saints in trouble this weekend!
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3HourTour113 months
Looks to me like JJ tripped over the right tackle's foot. Hardly a "take down" by Turner.
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earl keese113 months
Clutch PTM, I don't know if LSU fans hate Watt for making fun of Mettenberger or not. I think the thing that annoys most people is that Watt blasted Mett for being excited to be in the NFL and drew attention to himself (I guess) by taking a selfie before Tennessee and Houston played, doesn't sound like that should be of any concern to JJ. Yet since that time, Watt has done nothing but draw attention to himself with non stop videos and pictures of himself doing everything from working out to taking a dump. I personally believe we have seen enough of JJ Watt.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy113 months
Great play from a Tiger, always glad to see that. But JJ is still JJ...consistently.
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Bamasuks113 months
Grabbed him and took him down. Watch the rest of the game. Watt’s final stat line had five tackles, two passes defensed and one sack.
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DBeaux225113 months
Drizzle some syrup on that pancake
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Clutch PTM113 months
LSU fans still hate JJ Watt because he made fun of Mettenberger lol.
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Lsu101205113 months
Snuck under his shoulder pads, picked him up, and dropped him.

Enjoy the ground JJ, why dont you tweet Mettenberger about it.
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pellietigersaint113 months
damn is feels good to be a gansta
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Solo Cam113 months
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