Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
It looks like the New Orleans Saints are exploring options to play their home games at LSU's Tiger Stadium since Mayor Latoya Cantrell has "repeatedly declining to allow the Saints to have limited-capacity fans."

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Higgysmalls51 months
Not gonna happen. It's just a power play to force Destroyas hand
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LSUbest51 months
Make them stand for the Anthem.
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southsidedell51 months
What is a Mayor-President btw? I really dont know.
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DeafVallyBatnR51 months
A Mayor does not have this kind of power.
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CajunBullet51 months
A Mayor (City) / President (Parish) is one that is stealing two pay checks from the city and parish he or she is representing! LOL
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DBcUper51 months
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WhiskeyPlease51 months
Memo to Drew Hater: if you are without Sin you may cast the first Stone. Knock yourselves out.
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BayouTiga51 months
No longer a Saints fan or for that fact an NFL fan. Having said that, HELL YEA, as anything to show the lunatic marxist lefties that life will move on with them or without. This is America and we will find a way!!!
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WhiskeyPlease51 months
I support Trump God and country and did time in the military but Bro...lightened up.
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Simplemaaan51 months
Hell no. They are they ones who called it a shitty college stadium when they had to play there. Screw the rapist living high price cry baby bitches.
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CajunBullet51 months
Tell the "Aints' to stay their asses in New Orleans and practice taking a knee on Bourbon St.
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drob51 months
Hell No! Keep Drew Knees and his masters out of Tiger Stadium!
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WhiskeyPlease51 months
Same Drew that brought the Lombardi to Louisiana?
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GumboDave51 months
Maybe if next time they elect a black democratic mayor things will get better.
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Democrat mayor la toilet in New Orleans can suck it . lol
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Big Sway51 months
LaToya the Destroya
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LSU Tiger Eyes51 months
or LaToilet Can'trell!
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CajunBullet51 months
They elected her now you reap the benefits from the Destroya! Be very careful what you ask for?
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WhiskeyPlease51 months
Why not
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luciouslou51 months
That will be 2 bad teams playing in the same stadium
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JoeNelson51 months
Baton Rouge Saints has ring to it, just completely up root from New Orleans lol
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