The Joe Burrow-LSU fever is catching on more and more in Athens, Ohio as the local Walmart in Burrow's hometown is now selling purple and gold LSU gear.

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panzer71 months
This season is like a movie script. You just can't make it up. A Yankee QB, a Left Coast Kicker...A maligned coach and a pissed off team takes on all comers....If I wrote that y'all would have said it was a stretch.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy71 months
Left coast? You’re right, we can’t make this stuff up.
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LesTiger71 months
Ugliest LSU gear I have ever seen
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brewdrees71 months
You'll never see Ohio St. gear in Louisiana
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Lsupimp71 months
That's funny, but understandable. After a lifetime of pulling against Ohio State I find myself hoping good things for them too.
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Hoops71 months
Slow down
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Lsu10120571 months
Just good enough for Burrow and the Tigers to break their hearts in the playoffs.
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