In case you missed it, Auburn's mascot attempted to troll LSU fans on Saturday by dressing up as a Troy Trojan.

It was pretty clever... until Auburn blew a 20-point lead and lost.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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ByUselves87 months
Guess they should have brought some of the Troy players to show them how to win in Death Valley.
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JackieTreehorn87 months
Auburn invented bush league.
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LSUvet7287 months
Mascot put a Trojan helmet on his head which was then well used by the real Tigers on the fake tigers in second half and then discarded back on Malzone
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TampaTiger2287 months
So we lost to the second best team in Alabama, and beat the third best team from Alabama.
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LSU$$$87 months
Funny Troll, until it comes back to bite you in the a$$. Karma!
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Lsu10120587 months
“Huh? Yeah, but I’m not buying those other Tigers. Those other Tigers don’t count. I’m talking about the purple and gold. The helmets that are recognized across the country as the Tigers — LSU Tigers.” - Les
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