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YardEngr1163 months
Really? Well let's hear you eat all the words you said last week about LSU couldn't win this game.
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BigJake63 months
This dopey motherfricker penis with ears looking bitch said bama should be at #4 in the rankings. What a turd burglar
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lsuohiofan63 months
Then on the ESPN show today he said it would have been a different game with a healthy Tua. Finnebum!
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187undercover63 months
He was healthy. He isn't a damn running back. shite, Delpit wasn't 100% and we were without our best linebacker in Divinity. We aren't bitching. Even if "100%" still no guarantee whatsoever of a win. So stupid and narrow minded views
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jmercado63 months
Clumsy Clown!!!
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F him
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Mulat63 months
fk em
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Pax tecum63 months
I can hear a caller next week... "Listen here, Firebalm! Those officials gave us a screwjy on that there Moss catch. Otherwise, we'd have won the game. We got cheated I tells ya!"
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NASA_ISS_Tiger63 months
Oh damn. Ole Finescum gonna catch hell on his call in show from the Alabama faithful. I might actually listen to them eat their own.
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BooBooMeister63 months
How does he keep his job with such wonderful insights?
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Hangover Haven63 months
frick Finebaum
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CajunBullet63 months
He's an Alabama Elephant hard core faithful to the core!
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GeauxLSUGeaux63 months
But.... but PAAAWWLLL
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Leadbelly63 months
Who’s Finebawm
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TigerBrewdaddy63 months
Finebaum is a joke...
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RaginRed63 months
Stfu Finebaum! Talked Bama up all week long. Picked them to beat us like the homer you are. We dont need your congrats.
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brewdrees63 months
To hell with Stephen A Smith too!!!
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CajunBullet63 months
Biggest racist on sports television.
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BleedgurpleTX63 months
Stevie A is the absolute worse commentator on TV... He is the Al Sharpton of Sports! Not sure how he keeps a job!
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YardEngr1163 months
I agree that this guy is a dumb arse and thinks it is all about him. Sad.
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