The New Orleans Saints selected LSU offensive lineman Will Clapp with the 27th pick in the 7th round of the NFL Draft.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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JackieTreehorn81 months
We got the clapp
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KennabraTiger81 months
Rip rip rip wrap wrap wrap
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Gumbo181 months
Great Tiger! Best of luck Will.
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VesperiaLSU81 months
Proud of Will for being drafted, congrats big guy! That being said, he should have stayed in school. Leaving one year early only to be drafted in the 7th round. If he had know this coming, I bet he would choose to stay.
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siliconvalleytiger81 months
He’s a steal in the 7th. Nice pick Cowher!
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DigBick81 months
Thank God! Now these idiots can shut up.
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southsidedell81 months
We all know they wont shut up.
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nola00081 months
frick the both of you.
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OU81281 months
The Saints HATE LSU! You Saints fans can now pat yourselves on the back.
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GoldenAge81 months
So many comments to this. 1) the saints finally draft lsu! 2) daanngggg will fell pretty far. 3) the customary response "shoulda stayed in school"
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Blanky671581 months
He had already graduated
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GoldenAge81 months
Graduating doesn't mean you have to go pro. It's not unusual for a player to graduate before their eligibility expires and play as a graduate
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bayourougebengal81 months
"the saints finally draft lsu" Not me. I hate the idea of a Tiger going to that trash organization.
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