Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU running back Jeremy Hill was mic'd up during the AFC Wild Card game last Saturday between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Unfortunately, the mic caught his reaction after he fumbled late in the fourth quarter which gave the ball back to the Steelers with a chance to win the game.

After the fumble, Pittsburgh marched down the field with the help of some penalties by the Bengals defense and the Steelers were able to kick the game winning field goal.

Here was Hill's reaction on the sideline:

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genuineLSUtiger104 months
He really dishonored LSU with that fumble.
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Dignan104 months
"I stand behind JH32."
Better that, than too his side, so you don't get suckerpunched.
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Oyster104 months
His knee was down. It wasn't a fumble. Replay didn't have the courage to reverse the call.
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xGeauxLSUx104 months
I stand behind JH32.
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theBru104 months
He fumbled 4 times all year, don't see that as a big problem, the timing on his last one was not very good...but without JH32 Bengals may not have been in that position...
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bgtiger104 months
What is he supposed to do? He probably felt super low. NO is an acceptable chant at that point.

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lsusteve1104 months
Better than profanity laced tirades we've become accustomed to.
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Makinbacon104 months
Well That was weird
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EarnYourStripes104 months
Allow me to transcribe... "Noooooo... NoooOOOooo... No No NO NO NOOOOO..."
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kiNupe5104 months
if he did anything different he'd be called a pos thug. Can't win with you folks
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LSUBlitzkrieg104 months
Da Fuq? He looks/sounds like my 3yo daughter when I tell her "no."
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meauxses104 months
Expected more cursing and less moaning.
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CaliTigerHB104 months
That's too bad. Had lots of potential just couldn't get the fumbling issue handled
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