LSU lead defensive analyst Kevin Cosgrove is leaving the staff to be Texas Tech's new linebackers coach, according to Ross Dellenger with Sports Illustrated.

Cosgrove was a defensive coordinator at New Mexico for five years before joining LSU's staff last March.

He also served as defensive coordinator at Nebraska, Wisconsin, Akron, and Southeast Missouri State.

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tigerpawl55 months
What exactly is a "Defensive Analyst"? What does a Defensive Analyst do that a Defensive Coordinator doesn't? Inquiring minds...
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Vernonbrew2255 months
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Parrish55 months
Bo took over in Nebraska and did not retain the defensive coordinator he inherited, Cosgrove.
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Tiger in Texas55 months
BoP will probably bring in one of his guys for this position...
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FlyinTiger9355 months
Can't handle the butt chewing he is going to get, on a daily basis.
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GeeOH55 months
He and Bo must not see eye to eye..I see he was at Nebraska at some point as well
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YellowShoe55 months
LINK "I thought happiness was Lubbock Texas in my rearview mirror"
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LSUmudman55 months
Thank you Kevin for your able assistance at LSU and good luck to you in Lubbock. Get your guns up!!!!!
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panzer55 months
That is a fraternity that never lets its members go hungry. It's truly amazing! Congrats on the new position!
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LSUSkip55 months
congrats to him!
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