Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports
The LSU Football team will be visiting the White House on Friday to celebrate their National Championship victory with President Donald Trump. Per The Advocate:

The LSU team that beat Clemson 42-25 in the national championship game in New Orleans on Monday will visit with President Donald Trump on Friday to celebrate the victory, the White House confirmed.

Trump, who counts several members of Louisiana's congressional delegation among his closest allies in Congress, attended the game along with U.S. GOP Whip Steve Scalise, an LSU grad from Jefferson, and U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson, a Shreveport Republican who also graduated from LSU. Also attending were other Republicans from Louisiana and South Carolina, Clemson's home state.
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geaux8856 months
Awesome!! I wonder what number LSU jersey gives the President.
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SoulGlo56 months
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Mike da Tigah56 months
No matter who the sitting President is, be it Bill Clinton, GW, Obama, or Trump, it is such an incredible honor to be invited to the White House. It really doesn’t get much bigger than that. Really excited for this team. They deserve it all, the trophies, the awards, and the limelight.
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Jwils56 months
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texastigerr56 months
What they don't deserve is a OBJ acting like a jackass to bring publicity to himself by throwing cash at LSU players and putting them in such a compromising position. Selfish, lack of a sense of awareness and just stupid.
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TampaTiger2256 months
I agree completely. I am not a trump fan, but this is really cool and such a well deserved honor. Hope they have a great time
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WhoDatNC56 months
Good. This is about celebrating an amazing accomplishment and has nothing to do with your tricking political beliefs. If anyone has an issue with this, F Dem!
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Godzirra56 months
Libtards are triggered.
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eugene1928LSU56 months
Good for them, these liberal teams that don't go to the White House are worthless. Congratulations LSU, Geaux Tigers Geaux Trump
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SuckFickNaban56 months
They took our jobs!!
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TampaTiger2256 months
You mean this isn't a free country and only your opinion matters? GFY you dumbass
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Moonlight56 months
But the team just committed to the NFL.
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WhiskeyPlease56 months
DONEAUX No. 1 Jersey coming right up.
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skullopener56 months
Popeyes on the menu?
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Disgeaux Bob56 months
Good money says Trump serves up red beans, jambalaya, and etouffee. The Don loves LSU.
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AndrewD56 months
Trump doesn't serve anything but fast food.
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