Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The 30-month-old court case between LSU and former defensive coordinator John Chavis has ended as the lawsuit was dismissed last week, according to The Advocate:

The Advocate reported last week that the two parties were working towards a settlement, something that’s likely been reached given the dismissal filing. Details on a settlement were not known. Attorneys involved in the suit either did not responded to messages for comment or declined comment Monday.

The two parties filed a joint motion to dismiss the lawsuit last week. It was signed by a judge Friday.
The lawsuit was over a $400,000 buyout that LSU believed Chavis owed the school for leaving to go to Texas A&M.
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Lexman184 months
Anything to finally be rid of this clown. I bet Kevin Sumlin is trying to find a way, also. A&M has the worst defense in the conference since "The Chief" took over! How he has been employed all this time is beyond me.
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TwoDatBait84 months
Chavis decided he was going to need any amount of cash really quick after this season and didn't want to drag it out...
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rschwe584 months
A joint motion to dismiss means that they settled the case and then had to notify the court of it. We paid him an undisclosed amount. Id rather pay my lawyer than a backstabber like Chavis.
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pellietigersaint84 months
attorney fees prolly 1000% of the settlement number.
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GeorgeTheGreek84 months
Knowing Alleva we probably paid him $500K.
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TaderSalad84 months
Or gave him a lavish contract with an astronomical buyout to come back next season and coach special teams.
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Lexman184 months
You know Alleva?
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LSU Patrick84 months
I guess the court decided that LSU already won.
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