Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
A popular topic of discussion during the SEC Coaches Teleconference with Ed Orgeron on Wednesday was the lack of air conditioning in the visiting locker room last Saturday in Austin.

Orgeron was asked about how he knew ahead of time that there would be no A/C how they will handle Texas' trip to Baton Rouge next season.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy65 months
In HS for home games, once school got out we would all take dumps in the opposing team’s locker room toilets and not flush. Piles of different shite up to the toilet rim. At the time it was awesome.
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ninthward65 months
@BobHoltADG can eat a dick
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ByUselves65 months
Feed them plenty of Tabasco & red pepper and give them a bad case of the red arse!
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AndyWoods65 months
He's going to feed them delicious, home-cooked, gumbo at half time. Little do they know, it's filled with love, and their cold hearts will become too warm.
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ROPO65 months
This has jumped the shark
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