Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
During the SEC Coaches Teleconference on Wednesday morning, Ed Orgeron talked about the decision to give backup quarterback Garrett Nussmeier more in-game playing time this season that will burn up his redshirt.

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JackieTreehorn39 months
What a dumb son of a bitch. That Binder is a joke.
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1cajuncook39 months
Can you imagine if O was the AD hiring a new coach? Every interview would be leaked by that idiot.
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Joe Edwards39 months
Nuss wants the live game reps. I’m also willing to bet that he believes he beats out Max for the job next year.
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LoveThatMoney39 months
If he won’t be dictated to and no one dictated to him about this then he needs to do better communicating and, as a general matter, shut his fricking mouth. The amount of inside scoop that he himself gives on the inner workings of the program is bordering on treasonous. fricking dumbshit. Jesus.
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PeleofAnalytics39 months
Treasonous? Settle down Captain Bligh.
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Dcurry8039 months
Someone needs to dictate to that dumb MF’er
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Lsu10120539 months
Probably would have been better to make these decision before the Alabama game.
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gameovergt39 months
But why?
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Fstez6339 months
He’s already been forced out.. still won’t give the man a break
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