Three-star defensive back Ashton Stamps from Archbishop Rummel in Metairie, La. committed to LSU on Monday.

For more info on Stamps, visit his profile page on our recruiting tracker.
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uscpuke26 months
In b4 Jacob Hester
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uscpuke26 months
Yet another 3*
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CanebreakCajun26 months
Go frick yourself.
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lsufan058226 months
3 4 stars in the last 4 days, and only 2 3*s in this class
Not sure what you're talking about
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boweswi0526 months
Justin Jefferson was a 2*, Honey Badger was a 3*.

Google them if you have to because clearly you aren't an LSU fan and just wanting attention.
So this is your moment enjoy it
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