Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN College Basketball analyst Jeff Goodman is reporting that LSU sophomore Jordan Mickey is leaning towards entering the NBA Draft instead of coming back for his Junior season.
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During the 2014-15 season, Mickey averaged 15.4 points per game, 9.9 rebounds a game, and 3.6 blocks a game. He recorded 113 total blocks this season.
Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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Woodman120 months
At one time, if a potential draftee didn't hire an agent and ultimately didn't get drafted; a player could come back to their team. Even if that's true, there are certainly a whole slew of vultures out there offering this future world traveler the moon. Perhaps he doesn't have the grades to return, so Europe or the Middle East will be a great place to develop his next education. He'll also get paid a hell of a lot better over seas than minimum wage.
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Broham120 months
These young kids make stupid decisions.
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Snakebucket120 months
Jordan Mickey Leaning Towards NBA Draft. Maybe but there's an good chance that the NBA Draft isn't leaning towards Mickey. I hear that Souvlaki and Moussaka are wonderful dishes to try while plying your trade in Greece.

Enjoy Jordan.
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Evolve120 months
If he wants a career in the NBA he will stay if he wants a paycheck for a year or two he will leave.
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airportwhiskey120 months
Hopefully Johnny Jones can convince him otherwise. He's not ready yet and there's going to be scouts at every single game next year thanks to Simmons and company. Why not stay and improve your draft stock?
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Dr. Morgus120 months
They don't like crying in the NBA. And Cmon man....see tyrus thomas....must do more than block shots to have an NBA career.
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TheMadeMan120 months
Put him on the free throw line with the game on the line. Money
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BayouBengalBoy120 months
Stay Mick! You'll be glad you did if you do ...
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fightingtiger2335120 months
As long as he signs on the agents line early and not wait till last minute. Because wr all know if he waits till ejd he'll choke on the line again
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TigerRoad120 months
Tears after the game told me all I needed to know about the young man and his future. He gone. Good luck sir.
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LSUtigers111120 months
Don't worry guys he's only "leaning towards leaning." He still hasn't fully committed towards leaning for the draft.
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tigerbait1.6120 months
all they see is $$$$. He is so not ready, but it is what it is.
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15forHeisman120 months
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CaptainPanic120 months
No. shite.
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