LSUfreek is back with a parody of Florida State's QB Jameis Winston as Django from the movie Django. This is, of course, based on FSU destroying Clemson 51-14 on Saturday night.

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Filed Under: General Sports
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TampaTider136 months
Lmfoa! Love it!
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SA Tiger136 months
I thought that scene looked familiar, but I don't recall it in the 2012 Django. The 2 plots are not similar at all. The 1966 movie was a decent spaghetti western, but the Tarantino movie is superior.
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mcpotiger136 months
Dabo. LMAO!
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Ironhead985136 months
Lol. This is hilarious.
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aVatiger136 months
as the scene from the '66 Django is a more accurate depiction of the game itself, I think it is a job well done
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CaptainPanic136 months
This is from the 1966 Django not the 2012. C'mon Larry
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