During his Thursday show, Dan Patrick opened up about his health condition, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, an intense joint pain condition. Here he is getting emotional explaining how his medicine, Prednisone, is effecting his memory and his show...
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Then last night Scott Van Pelt sent his love and respect to Dan...

Filed Under: General Sports
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HollyWoodCole69 months
Marijuana would help, no doubt.
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SpartyGator69 months
One of my favorites. DP :bow:
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LSUsince7469 months
That's a tear jerker. Good luck DP
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JackieTreehorn69 months
Dan Patrick, Stuart Scott, Kenny Mayne....greatest Sportscenter hosts of all time.
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NYCAuburn69 months
Dan Patrick is a cool dude. Lived behind me and a few houses down, when I was growing up, before he got really big.
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SpartyGator69 months
He's pretty nice to talk too even as a big time host.
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notslim9969 months
DP is the man! Good luck! Try some stem cells.
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Skinny69 months
Dan, cover yourself in HGH at least once a week.
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Philzilla2k69 months
Getting old sucks
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CoeJ69 months
Godspeed, DP. He and Stu Scott were much of my childhood. Sucks to see your heroes dealing with tough shite.
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JustLSUit69 months
Dan you should try CBD, natural and it works! Get off the pharma crap! They are only about money and not what’s best for your body! Prayers
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