American Pharaoh Jockey Giving Winnings To Cancer Research
Winslow Townson-USA TODAY Sports
How often do you see an athlete, or anyone for that matter, do this? American Pharaoh jockey Victor Espinoza is donating his winnings from yesterday's Triple Crown, Belmont Stakes win to cancer research. Per The Courier-Journal...

At the wire I was like, ‘I cannot believe I did it,'” Espinoza said. “I (won) the Triple Crown race now, but I didn’t make any money, because I donated my money to the City of Hope.”

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City of Hope is a cancer research facility in California.
Filed Under: General Sports
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pete4tide116 months
Most of the jockey's have the diet of a supermodel before a big shoot at the beach. After a day and a half of laxatives and clear liquids, I'm sure an energy shot from Monster gets that focus on. His pre-race interview sure looked like that.
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Lsu101205116 months
It still throws me off to see Monster sponsoring horse racing lol...

Just seems like such an x games type sponsor, funny to see it on a 4'11 guy on a horse.
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Signal Soldier116 months
Good stuff. Already rolling in all that horse jizz money anyways :pimp:
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Bucktail1116 months
Class act
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