Looks like The Zuck is apparently hard at work training for his potential fight against Elon Musk. Mark Zuckerberg has been training with UFC champions Israel Adesanya & Alexander Volkanovski and looks to be in pretty decent shape...
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Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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TigerEyeGuy14 months
Musk stands no chance
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Bayoubred14 months
WTH is wrong with his knees? Is he inbred?
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CanebreakCajun14 months
F him and his government approved app.
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tjv30514 months
I wonder who forced Adesanya to take that picture . He has been very out spoken about groomers.
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WirelessMike14 months
Didn't Jeff Bezos go through the fitness phase first? Late again, Zuck...
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ExpoTiger14 months
frick him
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Koach K14 months
What else do he have to do?
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Koach K14 months
And the Winkelvoss guys had abs before they got ripped off.
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LSUvet7214 months
It's the owner of MetaVerse or is it? We do know he gave 400 million to the Dems to steal the 2020 election with drop boxes all over the country. Elon needs to beat shite out of him.
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eugene1928LSU14 months
Amen to that
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Grit-Eating Shin14 months
frick him up, Zuck!!!
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cajunmud14 months
I've never seen glue in a bag.
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BayouTigers4Life14 months
Wants people to live on the metaverse. Makes up for his insecurities by training with UFC guys.
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