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re: Chris Hardwick #metooed in a big way.

Posted on 6/16/18 at 11:21 am to
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/16/18 at 11:21 am to

This...and I dont know about the being removed from Nerdist site stuff, but I do know he hasnt had anything to do with Nerdist for months, long before this came out

Well, he sold the company years ago to Legendary but "ran" it essentially. But for a few years he started pulling away from the day to day stuff as the company began to branch out and do other things.

Nerdist has now scrubbed their website of all mentions of him having founded the place, which is asinine. It's 1984 level bullshite. Even if the guy turns out to be an actual monster, he will STILL have created their company. Pretending he did not serves no one.


He sold it all and removed himself from it to do other things, he even renamed his Nerdist podcast to ID10T

Right. Had a whole podcast explaining it, in which both Matt and Jonah laughed at him for feeling the need to explain it at all. But essentially, as he explained it, Nerdist was doing its own thing by that point and he wanted to move off and do other things and since he wasn't really heading Nerdist anymore he did not renew his contract with the parent company and renamed the podcast Id10t. He kept all rights to all the old podcasts though and was just moving on. There were even a few other podcasts that left when he did...notable Chewin' It with two of the guys from Broken Lizard because they had only been there because it was his company and once he left they felt no obligation to stay.

As for him being annoying, yeah...I don't disagree. I'm not a big fan of his stand up material and didn't really enjoy Talking Dead when I used to still watch that. I also did not really like After Midnight, though that was mostly a format deal. But I've always liked the podcast and have always thought he did a great job at interviewing people in long form conversations...though honestly my favorite parts have always been Matt Mira.

But liking or disliking him ought have no bearing on whether or not he be lynched in social media before there are any facts on the ground.

This post was edited on 6/16/18 at 11:23 am
Posted by molsusports
Member since Jul 2004
36155 posts
Posted on 6/16/18 at 12:30 pm to

He’s Ryan Seacrest without the looks or charm.

I don't think Ryan Seacrest has either of those things.
Posted by Fewer Kilometers
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
36133 posts
Posted on 6/16/18 at 12:31 pm to

He’s Ryan Seacrest without the looks or charm.

I don't think Ryan Seacrest has either of those things.
Then Hardwick is just Ryan Seacrest.
Posted by lsuwontonwrap
Member since Aug 2012
34147 posts
Posted on 6/16/18 at 5:45 pm to
A shitty relationship is a shitty relationship, but if he had her blacklisted in the business, that's another can of worms. And that's probably easy to confirm, if true.
Posted by skrayper
21-0 Asterisk Drive
Member since Nov 2012
31014 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 7:51 am to

she was restricted from going out at night, having male friends, or speaking in public places,

I don’t see the problem.

WTF is wrong with you?
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 8:53 am to

WTF is wrong with you?

Even if what she said there was 100% true, it simply sounds like an overbearing, jealous partner. did not make her a victim of anything other than her bad judgement to decide to stay with an a-hole. Put another way, that reads like complaining about a bad boyfriend...

I've spent way too much time looking at this story over the weekend, and one thing seems obnoxiously clear...this system of "believe the woman" has got to stop. It is, quite literally, a modern day witch hunt in that the accusation is the ONLY thing that matters and even the attempt to claim innocence is seen as an indication of guilt. And that's terrifying.

A handful of people on social media have attempted to argue that MAYBE before trashing the guy as if the accusation is 100% true we actually wait and hear his side (he did respond later that day) and then wait and see if there is any evidence. those lone sane voices have been met with ridicule, as if the mere suggestion that anyone not "believe the woman" is compounding any abuse.

And here's the thing...I'd guess the VAST majority of everyone saying that stupid talking point would also believe nearly universally in the concept of innocent people going to prison for crimes they did not commit, and how much of a travesty that is. We KNOW people lie about others, and we KNOW that far too often people lose their lives and reputations because of those lies. Why then pretend that only in cases like this where a woman accuses a man of some terrible act that there is no possibility of her being misleading and no possibility of him being innocent?

It clearly sets a terrible precedent for anyone willing to open their eyes. Even if EVERY SINGLE ONE of these MeToo claims have thus far been 100% truthful, when you set up a system where all someone has to do is accuse another person of something bad enough AND the person being accused CAN NOT respond with a defense, how soon will bad actors begin to take advantage of that system simply to ruin people's lives? To deny that obviously reality is to deny the very nature of humans.

I have NO IDEA what the truth of any of this is, but at some point people need to step back of this ledge and realize that what started out as a good thing (being open to women coming forward and telling stories of their having been abused and REALLY listening to them rather than dismissing them outright) has become the opposite where if there really are innocent people being accused the system is set up to eat them without the possibility of defending themselves.
Posted by statman34
Member since Feb 2011
2981 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 9:27 am to
At the very least these accusations can have lasting impact on the accused by costing them their job/livelihood. If it is a scorned former lover with no legitimate gripe, those people need to be slammed. I don't care one way or another about Hardwick per se, but the entire movement has been distressing because any person can use it as a means for revenge for any purpose under the sun. It is just hard to trust a lot of these allegations because of these attention whoring statuses. If someone was truly sexually assaulted, roast them. But we need to really define sexual assault to some of these people because a lot of the stories I have heard are not that.
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 10:14 am to

At the very least these accusations can have lasting impact on the accused by costing them their job/livelihood. If it is a scorned former lover with no legitimate gripe, those people need to be slammed. I don't care one way or another about Hardwick per se, but the entire movement has been distressing because any person can use it as a means for revenge for any purpose under the sun. It is just hard to trust a lot of these allegations because of these attention whoring statuses. If someone was truly sexually assaulted, roast them. But we need to really define sexual assault to some of these people because a lot of the stories I have heard are not that.

I think that because we are now being told that the only acceptable response to a woman accusing a man of (insert horrible thing here) is 100% belief, it's going to lead to an unfortunate backlash. Yes...idiots with an agenda will never see this for what it is, but middle of the road people who can imagine themselves being accused of something they did not do AND being told there is no defense they can offer will eventually see this spiderweb for what it is...or at least what it could easily become for anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it.

People understand the absurdity of the witch hunts and how the accused were simply guilty...and claiming innocence only made them guiltier in the eyes of the accusers and the general public. That's what we've got now. Hardwick came out and essentially denied much of what she wrote, and he was blasted HARDER for having had the gall to defend himself. there were folks on line LITERALLY saying "that's exactly what an abuser would say!!!" Well, isn't it also what an completely innocent person would say as well...?

FWIW, I have two other thoughts on this. First, I'm not sure if there's been any guy thus far outed like this who came out and said, "Nope...didn't happen." If there is, I'm unaware of it. To me, that's a good thing for him because he's actually PART of that PC culture that has helped create the web he's now caught in. He knows full well that denying the accusation will go over like a fart in church and he still denied it.

Second, I think given much of what she claimed wasn't THAT bad (think Harvey Weinstein level stuff) if he had done it he would have been much better served to admit it, fall on his sword and give it a couple of years and rebuild his reputation. He had to have consulted a handful of attorneys before responding, so I assume that they decided on the road least likely to end him. But denying it hard had better mean he knows the accusation is complete bullshite, because otherwise he rises to the Lance Armstrong/Rafael Palmiero level of denying something and blaming people for accusing you only to then have to admit you lied about the denial AS WELL.

That's a hole that people generally don't really allow you to dig yourself out of...
Posted by blueboy
Member since Apr 2006
56585 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 11:35 am to

so if you piss off a girl or cheat on her, she can just say "Ohh he sexually assaulted me" and that guy gets fricked. Whether he did it or not.

Yep, and it will mean bad things for real victims in the long term, after many lies and hoaxes are exposed - as has been the case for false rape accusations in colleges.
Posted by JBeam
Guns,Germs & Steel
Member since Jan 2011
68377 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 1:15 pm to

Yep, and it will mean bad things for real victims in the long term, after many lies and hoaxes are exposed - as has been the case for false rape accusations in colleges.

I don't think you should compare the two. This entire situation seems to deal with emotional abuse.
Posted by SUB
Member since Jan 2001
Member since Jan 2009
21004 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 1:34 pm to

This entire situation seems to deal with emotional abuse.

It does, but how do we define "emotional abuse"?
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 1:46 pm to

This entire situation seems to deal with emotional abuse.

Except for the fact that she straight up used the term "sexual assault" and that's what media has run with. It's also why he specifically address that and not any of the other stuff I'd guess.

And as SUB said, who defines what "emotional abuse" is at this point other than it's in the eye of the beholder? If 100% true, he sounds like a controlling dick. But how often is one side of a bad relationship 100% at fault?

What would something in between look like here? Maybe a guy around 40 who's a control freak by nature and maybe has jealousy issues hooks up with a 22 year old free spirit that likes running around. One party could feel aggrieved if the other wants to go out all the time and the other could feel the same if asked to stay in. Arguments ensue, etc.
Posted by imjustafatkid
Member since Dec 2011
51026 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 2:59 pm to
This looks like another big old lie from a female.
Posted by Fewer Kilometers
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
36133 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:09 pm to

It does, but how do we define "emotional abuse"?

Doing your business on a woman as she lays there crying seems to fit in there.
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:22 pm to

Doing your business on a woman as she lays there crying seems to fit in there.

No, that's what she described as sexual assault...and I'd pretty much agree.


…Including let him sexually assault me. Regularly. I was expected to be ready for him when he came home from work. How did this happen? At the beginning of our relationship, I was quite ill often due to my diet, something I’ll get to in a bit. One night he initiated, and I said, “I’m so sorry, can we not tonight? I’m feeling really sick.” He responded, “I just want to remind you, the reason my last relationship didn’t work out was because of the lack of sex.” It was a veiled threat. I succumbed. Every night, I laid there for him, occasionally in tears.

Of course, there's that whole thing about whether any of it is true...
Posted by SUB
Member since Jan 2001
Member since Jan 2009
21004 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:23 pm to

Doing your business on a woman as she lays there crying seems to fit in there.

Nice anecdote, but that's not what I asked for, and don't think that's what happened with Hardwick.

If #metoo includes "emotional abuse" then that's an even more slippery slope, because its in the eye of the beholder. What's emotional abuse to someone may not be the same for someone else. Are we to crucify someone because they called their ex a slut and she felt it was "emotional abuse"?
This post was edited on 6/18/18 at 3:24 pm
Posted by Fewer Kilometers
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
36133 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:28 pm to

Nice anecdote, but that's not what I asked for, and don't think that's what happened with Hardwick.

It's exactly what she claims happened.


If #metoo includes "emotional abuse" then that's an even more slippery slope, because its in the eye of the beholder. What's emotional abuse to someone may not be the same for someone else. Are we to crucify someone because they called their ex a slut and she felt it was "emotional abuse"?

It's a slippery slope except in cases where there is obvious emotional abuse. But then there are degrees in any type of accusation, sexual harassment included.
Posted by GeauxTigerTM
Member since Sep 2006
30596 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:29 pm to

This looks like another big old lie from a female.

The fact that it could be is reason enough for any rational person not to jump to conclusions.

Just listened to Bill Burr's podcast and he mentions this case at about the 42 minute mark. He doesn't mention Hardwick by name, but he clearly has read all of it. And, low and behold, he actually gets it! Says that we need to make sure women are heard but this "believe all women" stuff is crazy. And he's right. He only talks about it for about 5 or 6 minutes but it's worth it to hear a guy that really doesn't give a frick but is generally pretty liberal about issues like this take a rational look at an issue and not be afraid to say it out loud.

42:00 mark

And FYI I don't think Burr is some huge friend of his either. They know each other and Burr has been on the podcast, but I have to think that Burr considers Hardwick a lightweight when it comes to being an actual standup so this is not him rushing to his pal's defense.
This post was edited on 6/18/18 at 3:32 pm
Posted by Fewer Kilometers
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
36133 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 3:54 pm to

And, low and behold, he actually gets it!

Did you really think that Burr would have a different opinion? He's the "There's plenty of reasons to hit a woman, you just don't do it" guy. That's one of his signature bits.
Posted by Alt26
Member since Mar 2010
28654 posts
Posted on 6/18/18 at 4:02 pm to
What am I missing here? Nowhere in her diatribe did she indicate the guy physically abused her and/or physically prevented her from leaving via threat of physical harm. She was being "emotionally abused" and "forced" to have sex with him via threats he would break up with her and yet VOLUNTARILY chose to remain in the relationship, only to publicly smear the guy AFTER the relationship ended?

I don't know the guy. He very well could have been a controlling a-hole. BUT SHE CHOSE TO REMAIN IN THE RELATIONSHIP. The only thing (if true) that seems to have any kind of merit are the claims that he attempted to ruin her career because she broke up with him.

No one is condoning treating people like shite. But to lump this in to situations where women are physically abused by a spouse/boyfriend and/or forced by the threat of violence to have sex with someone is a fricking joke, and frankly insulting to women truly have been abused. There are women all over this country who every day reluctantly remain in relationships because they literally fear for their lives and physical well-being should they chose to leave. This isn't one of those situations

Her dead-fishing a guy just because he wanted to have sex and she didn't so he wouldn't break up with her is a hell of a lot different than a girl having sex with a guy just so she won't get her arse kicked. I mean holy shite! How many guys on here have at one point or another essentially aggravated their girlfriend/wife into having sex on a night they were "tired". If that qualifies as "sexual assault" these days, then there are a shite load of husbands with young kids and tired wives sexually assaulting women on a nightly basis.

All shite like this does is discredit the stories of women who are actually abused, against their will, with real threats to their personal welfare preventing them from getting out of the relationship. This is the world we live in as a result of social media. Everyone loves to be a "victim" and solicit a self-confidence boost others. But what it does on the flip-side is publicly and broadly cast a guy as a "sexual abuser", "abuser of women", etc. simply because this particular woman thought he was a shitty person/boyfriend.

I truly feel bad for the actual abused women out there whose voices really need to be heard, but are overwhelmed by the idiots racing to exact revenge under the auspices of being the next "victim"

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