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Interests:Hunting, Fishing, Golf
Occupation:Hunting, Fishing, Golf
Number of Posts:7
Registered on:8/26/2013
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e: Why does everyone think it's impossible for us to lose to TCU? (Posted on 8/30/13 at 2:25 pm to ClientNumber9) We will win this game by more than 10 points. While they are a well coached ranked team, they can't keep up with us at any position. Agreed anything is possible, but if our offense e...

re: Where are the TCU fans?

Posted by LeisureFrog on 8/29/13 at 9:50 am
e: Where are the TCU fans? (Posted on 8/28/13 at 11:54 pm to ChewyDante) You should probably know that schools who have trouble selling out their own stadium (on their own) have a very limited fan base. ---------------------- ohhh, good one. you smart grasshopper. FYI, there are more ac...
geauxranger54 How devastating would a L be Saturday??? It would be like UGA losing to Boise except a little worse. Boise was much better than this bunch we are playing this weekend. From your lips (via keyboard) to your team and coaching staff. I really hope they believe this, too....
Hold On. I attempted a 3rd in a different topic. There's still a chance. Oh wait....yeah, I better hang it up. Wish I would have seen your post prior to making that final fateful attempt....

re: Predict the Final Score: LSU-TCU

Posted by LeisureFrog on 8/27/13 at 3:08 pm
Halftime LSU 13 TCU 10 Game Over (Called) At halftime, D/FW Mayors collaborate and concur that letting the LSU fanbase out early, sacrificing a possible TCU victory, would promote fewer C.A. defectors to the metroplex. A decision that would, ultimately, garner Pulitzer/Nobel-esque acclaim....
Actually, halftime cage match between Hill & Fields could be interesting and draw additional advertising revenue....
"Withholding from play" could simply reference Madden 25....