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Registered on:1/2/2013
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#2 Texas Tech - list is dubious ...
You should throw some trash on the field. ...
[quote]I would say my ex wife but I’m pretty sure she needs the money from me being alive.[/quote] Hoping mine doesn’t do the math on the insurance payout. ...
IMO - there is a disconnect in early-opportunity jobs and those willing to work them. Growing up, many boomers mowed yards, bussed tables, babysat, etc. for “summer” or part time jobs. Now, nearly all those spots are filled with middle-aged illegals. I think that took some of the work ethic out o...
It’s the first year. Sit back, relax and let it play out. Will be fun to have meaningful football for another month and a half. If the “undeserving” get blown out, adjustments will be made. The “told you so’s” will be matched by those who don’t want to see a 40-point spread in a “playoff” gam...
[img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.jhth0_eGJ9S9W9-Ael0BVwHaG9&pid=Api&P=0&w=426&h=400[/img] [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.9rTcMO1qJeePQ7IS3a_aygHaLF&pid=Api&P=0&w=400&h=599[/img] ...
If a drone is hovering over my property and starts to lower a cable with some sort of hook, I would assume it was about to steal something from me. Why can’t it be treated like any other thief? What’s my obligation to have drones hovering over my property? Do I have a right to any of the air ...

re: Hey Arkansas. How does it feel?

Posted by Pvt Hudson on 12/4/24 at 7:25 pm
3-5 with several teams behind them. Seems like they are getting more out of less than several other teams. ...
They don’t have BK anymore - wouldn’t sleep on them. ...
Recuerdes! [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.UV-9kW3Ti2U1yPlm8YNiiwHaFG&pid=Api&P=0&w=581&h=400[/img]...

re: Transition from one to two kids

Posted by Pvt Hudson on 12/3/24 at 10:52 am
I feel like with one, we had a child - with two, we had a family. Weirdest part is how different they are from one another. Congrats to you and the wife - have fun - 0 regrets with having two. ...

re: What would you be willing to do..

Posted by Pvt Hudson on 12/2/24 at 12:29 pm
Certainly loot a shitty Eastern European country for millions. ...
Was all that stuff he said when he was on SportsCenter written for him? He seemed somewhat intelligent back then. ...
We watched the game, too. I get confused each year - is this the bargaining stage or acceptance?...
Allen wrench - [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/gsWM7yOxIJoAAAAd/cannawoman.gif[/img]...