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Registered on:10/28/2005
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Some people should try and give us a play by play. Since you brought it up, I nominate you. ...
This is a troll by the OP. he’s always been an attention seeker to try to validate his existence. ...
Change the circumstances in which the event was allowed to happen. Exactly what is about to happen. ...
Vote third party? Not vote? Or just do the right thing to try to get our country on the road to the future? Wars. Gas prices. Grocery and construction prices. Interest rates. Immigration. Border. Housing costs. Gender confusion. Educational stupidity. Shop and compare. Mean tweets vs s...
[quote]The first thread got deleted because you and your wife went and deleted all of your posts in the thread.[/quote] Understood and accepted. But I was asked to take those down. I had no choice. More information will be forthcoming but I just can’t really go into specifics. The state d...
I believe that it was a murder and a dead young woman went out that window. Her husband, Craig Wainwright, has all but deleted his online presence since his mother flew to North Korea from South Africa and immediately cremated Ashley’s body. ...
I’m starting a new thread. Because I’m not hearing or seeing anything about why a teacher would go out a third story window and die of asphyxiation. Married to such a wonderful and loving husband. I’m shocked. Literally shocked. ...
I think it was 2003 against auburn when Chad Lavalais just absolutely leveled cadallac Williams running up the middle and drove him backwards a couple of yards and stepped on his chest. Then tommy tuberville squatted on the sideline and picked up some grass and started chewing on it. The sta...
Sorry..but until Mississippi republicans stop playing the old boy network game, our party is only going to get weaker. ...
[link=(https://iqfy.com/unvaccinated-silence/)]LINK[/link] [quote]They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us? The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.[/quote] I guess this will be the ne...
This was planned two years ago. They’re way ahead of us. It won’t be the documents. It’ll be the 25th amendment. Remember where you heard it first. ...
I’m amazed that chicken hasn’t ended this silly shite and whacked this thread. :geauxtigers:...
Oops. This won’t go like anyone thinks it will if proven true. This will be bloody. ...
Those aren’t main board posters. Those are lunatic extremist assholes looking for attention. There’s only one main board here. ...

re: A thank you to the OT

Posted by MississippiLSUfan on 9/27/22 at 5:34 pm
Finished up chemo and radiation a couple months ago. Best wishes, man. ...

re: Any CPAP users in here?

Posted by MississippiLSUfan on 9/21/22 at 11:32 pm
I e used one since a stroke back in 2016. It’s made a big difference in how much real sleep I’m getting. Now I cannot go to sleep at all without it. ...