Favorite team:Delaware
Number of Posts:6
Registered on:6/8/2012
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[quote]Goldstein's face and hair--I couldn't find a pic of his shaved sides and mohawky hair, but here's his "Jersey Shore" tough guy look. [/quote] FWIW, they all had "mohawky" hair... the whole team did it before the playoffs. And none of these kids are from Jersey. Just sayin....
[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Baseball_umpire_2004.jpg/200px-Baseball_umpire_2004.jpg[/img] [img]http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/jpodocs/brochure/14138_files/images/main/fig3.jpg[/img]...
As it turns out, there's a town called Stonybrook a couple miles outside of Omaha: [link=(http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/428437_10100595727090044_1881871264_n.jpg)]LINK[/link] Coincidence or fate?...
Facts: Stony Brook hung up 3 runs against LSU's #1 pitcher, while LSU only put up 1 run against Stony Brook's #1 pitcher. What does this mean? Well the way I see it, all things being equal, Stony Brook will likely put up around 6 runs versus LSU's #3 pitcher, meaning LSU will have to put up 7+ r...
[quote]Your post has no merit or accuracy.[/quote] See my comments, 2 posts above yours....
FWIW, last year Goldstein was ranked the No. 1 HS prospect in NY by BlueChipProspects.com... [link=(http://www.bluechipprospects.com/pdf/2011TOPPROS.pdf)]LINK[/link] They describe him as a "legitimate 5-tool player, runs extremely well, 88-90+ mph fastball" For anyone who doesn't know what "5-...