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Location:Killian LA
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Do these MORONS not understand that the vast majority of hamas/palestinians are muzzies and very ant-gay/trans/bi..whatever types ? How stupid can one be ??...

re: Oh, Michelle Obama is Running

Posted by tickfawtiger on 7/25/24 at 3:56 pm
And stated that she was NEVER proud of America until her husband was elected ! WHY did she not go to an Afican nation she COULD be proud of ??...

re: Saints Lottery Tickets

Posted by tickfawtiger on 7/25/24 at 3:01 pm
sure...because IF they 'sell' they will be called 'solded'...right ?...
Odd...that's certainly NOT the case in most of Western Europe ! Have you actually driven on ANY of their best roadways ? I have, trust me their 'system' is FAR superior to the cluster$%^& on our interstates...

re: Dome Parking Passes

Posted by tickfawtiger on 7/24/24 at 2:49 pm
IF you are willing to risk your car being broken into...then yes, parking off Poydras is a great 'option' ! From what I can surmise, the NOPD does not and never had a 'plan' to utilize extra patrols,bait cars or anything else to protect the thousands of vehicles parked near the dome on game days !...
waited WAAAAAAAAY too long to cut loose that massive dead weight ! Paid WAAAAAAAY too much in $ and draft stock as well.....PLEASE do better saints ! The Lions got a great DE we refused to pay and now they get a giant dud that we massively overpaid !...
In most of the western European nations, truck/vehicle accidents are minimized due to traffic laws strictly limiting trucks to the right lanes,disallowing trucks passing other trucks,trucks have a lower speed limit and are limited to M-F travel...all of this is by law/rule with very stiff penalties ...
WHy can't you people STAY in the right lane...people can wait another couple of days for their new toaster !...
All the while Gates and all his cronies ride off into the sunset with millions to billions of computer based profits ! How about putting some of those 'gains' into PROTECTING the consumer masses which were FORCED into accepting all this unmanageable horses^&% !...
I'm baffled that our local 'investigatory media' NEVER seems to do ANY real background research...i.e. give us the financial overview of the EBRP school budget, how many millions are being spent in what areas,exactly where this 'funding' comes from,performance reviews from the past 10-20 years vs. w...
Don't forget that bunch of 'carpetbaggers' at the council on aging...lol Any 'free' cruises been doled out lately ?...
Sankey the idiot brought this on HIMSELF...i.e the B10's TV contract calls for escalator clauses as additional high porfile teams are added to the conference and ALSO for MORE conference games ! Sankey and hid 'brain-trust' did NOT negotiate for this PROBABILITY when signing with ESPN/disney ! Thus...
Correct...the contract which the MORONS at the SEC 'negotiated' does not include any type of escalator clause,calling for additional $ with added teams/games ! Unlike the intelligent contract which the B10 'negotiated' for themselves ! And yet not ONE media person/outlet called out Sankey for his st...
Did you read/understand my post ? OTHER NFL organizations continue to come up with ideas/concepts to 'engage' their fan bases....the Saints not so much ! Probably stems from the 'leadership' that basically never had to aggressively 'market' their product to the Saints rabid fan base....that appears ...
I don't believe there is ANYONE w/in the Saints organization, that is capable of an original idea/thought process...sad but true !...
Our 'administration' will then price the game tickets at $400 PLUS...these money grab games are disgusting !...
We can only assume/hope there is MUCH more to this 'investigation' i.e. the mayors numerous expensive 'trips' on the taxpayers dime as well as questionable use of her campaign contribution funds...which begs the question, what type of idiots give that criminal grifter from compton any amount of $ ?...
EXCEPT...this is VERY RARELY done by whatever idiot is 'in charge' of the video screens !!...

re: OOC games vs SEC teams

Posted by tickfawtiger on 7/12/24 at 11:46 am
The REASON for that is directly related to the dumb-arse contract Sankey and his 'brain-trust' negotiated with ESPN/disney ! He/they left out any possibility of an escalator clause for ADDING marquee teams and additional conference games...the B10 INCLUDED such clauses and their TV contract reflects ...
I don't know about being a 'worst experience' but the blue haze of weed hovering over the campus, was of EPIC proportions and the vehicle/foot traffic was off the hook for sure...took about an hour to get from So. Acadian to Highland and that was 100 minutes BEFORE kickoff ! Worst 'job' of traffic/c...