Favorite team:Maryland 
Number of Posts:1919
Registered on:10/22/2011
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Man, so many posters have seen him. Surprised never saw his name mentioned before :bow:

Thank God. Zak Hill would be an awful hire.

So many Hill experts, goodness

Gustav had more autonomy than we gave him credit for.

Can’t tell Lanier that, but he already knows I guess. All up in the program :bow:

re: We made Alabama

Posted by CrazyCadillac on 12/4/21 at 8:16 pm
I remember when people wanted our dc fired after one game, but then shut down Alabama

re: Baylor should be in over UGA

Posted by CrazyCadillac on 12/4/21 at 7:47 pm

I’ve been saying it for 2 weeks now. UGA has no ‘quality’ wins. No top 15 wins, and 8/12 wins were against teams 6-6 or worse

And you think Baylor would beat uga? fricktard

what big booster hired dillingham?


Its not happened for any previous coach and its not going to happen for him. He may have some pull but there are others.

So what big booster hired dillingham?

Baw. Im not gonna debate you. Im sure Harsin is calling all the shots

So in no important way whatsoever, got it

have just been around Auburn long enough

In what way?

You talk out of your arse.

The irony
:lol: ok bud, continue to period all over yourself without knowing anything

surprised? You actually think Harsin is in full control?

How does this train of thought make sense for a zac hill hire?

sure you won’t admit you white knighted like a mofo for him when he gets fired.

You’re wrong a lot and never admit it, biggest pussy on here
You’re the most overreactive person on here, calm down. It’s clear you know very little about football, just melt away I guess.

It’s hard to imagine Harsin is making this move.

Lotta zac hill experts on the board
Bama UGA probably both in with a good game today
Stfu and go back to jail. Or maybe give out more terrible gambling advice
About to beat joe burrows touchdown record. BUt hIs TEaM lOsT!!