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Location:Land of the Free
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Registered on:9/25/2011
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[quote]They’ve been making lesson plans all year.[/quote] Maybe an update or two every 3-4 years, otherwise, rinse & repeat. Brutal work. ...

re: People who talk over other people

Posted by Herschal on 7/26/24 at 4:25 pm
[quote]People on cocaine talk over other people[/quote] ...
This is the wave that came off Africa late yesterday?...
It has its uses for sure, but I could never rely on it without additional verification....
LSU Ole Miss State Which is why I am in favor of a Thanksgiving Egg Bowl....
No Battle of Schrute's Farm? The northern most during the Civil War. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/MG5M0S3V/SF.jpg[/img]...
[quote]This is what it normally looks like[/quote] Shocked nobody was killed. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4xKSn83V/Yellowstone-2.jpg[/img] ...
Bragging about your mentally disabled child is not cool, Jo....

re: Anyone dip?

Posted by Herschal on 7/21/24 at 11:33 am
Yes Wish I never did. Working on quitting. It’s not worth it. But it’s just so tasty. ...

re: Could you fix her?

Posted by Herschal on 7/19/24 at 11:03 am
[quote]Could you fix her?[/quote] No thanks....
[quote]Is this how you know you're officially "old"?[/quote] One of the many ways....
That’s your body saying hey man, stop eating this shite. Sunday night drive thru should make you feel bad. Terrible way to start the week my brother. Try a nice home cooked meal next Sunday. Set the tone for the week. ...
[quote]some ugly middle aged white women[/quote] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3sjpD3B/IMG-9291.gif[/img]...
Yokohama tires, and they gotta be run-flat...
[quote]Sort of related: When you live in a small town you’re more willing to drive 30 minutes/an hour to a city to do stuff or get something [/quote] See Mississippi Delta. The only thing to do is drive to another town. ...
You would think Ronricks would be tired from being a retard all week and sleep in. Guess not. ...
[quote]For the year ending Jan. 31, the chain reported $903.7 million in product sales, compared to $986.6 million in sales for the fiscal year that ended Jan. 31, 2023.[/quote] Imagine your business generating these sales numbers and still not being able to turn a profit. ...

re: I lost my best friend yesterday

Posted by Herschal on 7/11/24 at 10:18 am
Its almost been a year since I had to put my lab down. I am just now realizing I am almost over it, and that makes me sad in a different way. Sorry for your loss. Dont rush out to get another. Take time....