Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Houston, TX
Biography:Just a girl who forgets she's a lady during football season.
Occupation:Babysitting overgrown morons
Number of Posts:39
Registered on:8/18/2011
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Recent Posts

[quote]2.) ABC will have "Big Brother" or something getting the female watchers. [/quote] Do not speak on behalf of us. However, I don't care who airs the game. I'll be sitting pretty in the dome....
[quote]Since when did smoking something that is LEGAL (sold over the counter for the purpose of smoking) in the MAJORITY of the USA become a "issue" of character??? [/quote] It's illegal in Louisiana. And the original purpose of the stuff is not "smoking." Do I think it should screw him out of...
[quote]Since when did smoking something that is LEGAL (sold over the counter for the purpose of smoking) in the MAJORITY of the USA become a "issue" of character??? [/quote] It's illegal in Louisiana. And the original purpose of the stuff is not "smoking." Do I think it should screw him out of...
:cool: I'd have that man's babies... And I hate kids....

re: SEC Record...

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 12:39 pm
[quote]Really shows how remarkable 2007 was when we had a win streak of ZERO going into New Orleans[/quote] What about the SEC 'ship win??...

re: Lee deserves first snap

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 11:33 am
[quote]not this again. [/quote] My sentiments exactly. :banghead:...

re: Place to watch the game in Austin??

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 11:30 am
[quote]Best Cajun Food: I dunno, they all kinda suck compared to Nola places[/quote] Nola doesn't really do the best [b]Cajun[/b] food either. ...

re: Goodluck Tigers

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 11:11 am
:cheers: :geauxtigers:...

re: go vote for justin vincent

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 11:10 am
Done. Plus how impressive is it that JV's play had to beat two AU plays and that the semi finals had two LSU plays?? :geauxtigers:...
[quote]he has a woman co-host on there. a woman talking college football! what's up with that?[/quote] :rolleyes:...
[quote]I would wish nothing more to beat them twice, and have Saban leave for Texas the day after.[/quote] Can he go somewhere else?? Texas isn't big enough for me to have to live in the same state as him....

re: Arkansas Look-aLike Thread

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/23/11 at 9:10 am
[quote]I read you were just trying to cover your arse after the fact... whoopsie. If you meant that you would have said that first. truth.[/quote] It's highly possible you just don't know how to read. Anyone with a brain, and everyone with an LSU education knew exactly what he meant after reading...
Urban has come out saying that ESPN has gotten YET ANOTHER coaching rumor all wrong. And the reason people hate Nick Saban is not b/c he's at Bama. They hate him b/c he's not honest or loyal. That being said, I don't hate him. I just like to see my Tigers crush his little dreams....

re: Man These Texas Fans!!!!!

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/10/11 at 1:30 pm
I guess Houston is better than Austin... But I get more respect as a Tiger here than I ever did in Lafayette, LA. All you ever hear there is crying from the red-headed step-cajuns....
[quote]kids needing diapers probably don't need to be brought to da stadium[/quote] I was brought to games at 16 months old. And I turned out just fine. A bit fanatical. But totally okay....

re: Reply from Phil Steele

Posted by memheartsfb on 11/10/11 at 1:25 pm
I can't believe their assistant editor writes so poorly. Must be a gump....
[quote]Count Chocula[/quote] :rotflmao: Totally agree!!...
A guy at Woodrow's told me I knew nothing about football if I thought that was a late hit. :rolleyes: Glad to see I wasn't alone....
[quote]pedestool[/quote] REALLY?! Before you start bashing people for their clothing choices, how 'bout you get an education (even if it's not from LSU) and maybe a dictionary to double check yourself? :banghead: Pedestal. Moron....