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Location:South of the St. George Buffer Zone
Number of Posts:3467
Registered on:8/9/2011
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re: Question for drummers

Posted by Oswald on 5/4/24 at 8:05 pm
Are you getting him an acoustic kit? I’ve been using in-ear monitors (headphones) for gigs and for playing along to songs at home for years. Get him a pair of those so he can play the acoustic kit and listen to the music at a “reasonable” volume. ...

re: Real Questions about St. George...

Posted by Oswald on 5/2/24 at 9:09 am
It means St. George was never inside the city limits of Baton Rouge....
[quote]We’ve built the South Side, and they packed up their toys.[/quote] This again. :rolleyes: Yeah, Gravy, black people are responsible for the relatively lower crime rates, cleaner streets and shopping centers, and less dysfunctional schools on the south side of EBR. [img]https://media.te...
[quote]It would be nice if the courts would make up their mind.[/quote] It would also be nice if citizens had a way to hold these a-hole judges to account for their increasingly-frequent unconstitutional/racist/Marxist rulings. ...

re: Selling Drums

Posted by Oswald on 5/1/24 at 10:41 am
...and I definitely agree with Footbaw about giving Reverb a shot over eBay. eBay has become a pain in the arse for sellers....

re: Selling Drums

Posted by Oswald on 5/1/24 at 10:40 am
[quote]It's a 5-pc Gretsch Renown maple kit in cherry burst [/quote] Drummer here, with a few kits already, but this intrigues me. What are the sizes on these tubs? Is the kick drum virgin or does it have the tom-mount bracket?...
[quote]Why does it take so long to clear an automobile accident in Louisiana?[/quote] [img]https://www.getgordon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Gordon-500x500-low.jpg[/img]...
[quote]what happens to Big Pharma and what happens to the govt officials that approved and pushed them[/quote] They are the ruling class. Protected from the consequences of their actions. Above the law like all the other people on Epstein's client list. We the People have been in a catatonic s...
[quote]Sounds like a 3 year old in fricking Walmart[/quote] This....
[quote]Northwestern president Michael Schill and the rest of the university’s leadership decided to accede to several of the protesters’ demands[/quote] Which means these assholes agree with the terrorists' ideals and are using this as an excuse to give the spoiled brat/wannabe jihadists what they ...
[quote]She looks rough in some of her pics.[/quote] Being bitter, resentful and confused from the moment you open your eyes 'til you drift off to sleep at night takes its toll....
[quote]Would love to know how Boil & Roux got the original contract and how they could justify that insane amount for 30 frickin kids.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/26DN0yMxjDnfTBOHC/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952zu48eqpg6gugv9kdxdzrogt7z67o8vsatbwpxqgy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: NAACP weighs in on St. George.

Posted by Oswald on 4/30/24 at 5:28 am
[quote]To paraphrase: How are we gonna keep funding the schools when all the actual working people that pay taxes live in a different community? Doesn’t seem like like a St. George problem. Sounds like a black people problem.[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/MdXl4KwZogSzAn6Xx4/giphy.gi...
[quote]Was Nancy still drunk?[/quote] Still drunk? When [b][u]isn’t[/u][/b] she drunk?...
Slept in my Van Halen t-shirt. Woke up in Panama. ...
[quote]Having to change your name because it was taken must have felt weird.[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/VywfFpiVpzgSED-uTyolceAw8WCj0D_MBAj2vXowuCg/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tLm1l/ZGlhLWFtYXpvbi5j/b20vaW1hZ2VzL00v/TVY1Qk9UTm1aakkx/TURJdFpHRXdOaTAw/TWpnekxXSXhabUV0/T1dNM1pXWTFaR...
[quote]10 year deal to send Ukraine $1 trillion[/quote] $100 billion per year. $8.3 billion per month. But that $5 billion Trump wanted for completing the wall was just too damn much. And our infrastructure will continue to crumble. God, how I [b][u]loathe[/u][/b] politicians. ...
[quote]Khymani James[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/749736e6-b86b-4b98-95dd-9ba59a3fb814_text.gif[/img]...
So, do we pay off their student loans before or after they start chanting “Death to America”?...

re: TGIF Watch thread

Posted by Oswald on 4/26/24 at 10:17 am
1977 Seiko Chronograph Automatic Bullhead [img]https://shop.watchsteez.com/cdn/shop/products/4_80022c2b-5900-428d-900e-bbdcdf63cc16_large.jpg?v=1667933806[/img]...