Favorite team:Tulane 
Location:New Orleans and Boise
Biography:I bleed green!
Number of Posts:10
Registered on:4/5/2011
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

I knew he would be successful. He has the Les Miles/Nick Saban do whatever it takes mentality. No reservations. ...
too funny and too true. I amassed 4 tickets in my 1 year of having a car @ Tulane and never paid em. A drunk driver knocked my car on its side on St Charles and I remember joking with the TUPD officer that no more car = no more tickets right? He laughed, then stopped and said NOPE. Didn't get my ...
Tulane should bring about 20k to the 40k ULL fans, total of 60k my bet. I lot of locals that came out for ULL will be in Tulane's favor this time. Tulane had around 12k butts the last 2 games so I imagine a once in a decade bowl will bring that up to 20k. Lot of buzz locally. I have ~4x as many p...
When ULL drops the stupid name thing, so too will the rest of Louisiana. ...
You are correct. I left off the o, typing "too" fast probably. The insecurities are strong with this one friends. ...
So I'm a ghostie. Big whoop. You can find me on csnbbs give ULL a hard time to. ...
We use ULL because you are ULL. Just like Tulane is TU. ULL isn't the state's flagship athletics program. ULL isn't the state's flagship academic university. ULL isn't the largest student body in Louisiana. ULL isn't the orginal University of Louisiana. ULL isn't in Baton Rouge nor New Orleans (t...
ULL isn't the state's flagship athletics program. ULL isn't the state's flagship academic university. ULL isn't the largest student body in Louisiana. ULL isn't the orginal University of Louisiana. ULL isn't in Baton Rouge nor New Orleans (the two most relevant cities to Louisiana). Somebody explain...
ULL does not own the legal rights to University of Louisiana. No school does after Tulane relinquished it. LaTech is better academically than ULL and ULL isn't Louisiana's preeminent athletic force. Calling ULL UL or Louisiana is insulting to ULM. The entire argument is stupid. And no one car...