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re: I've been on TD longer than _____

Posted by boddagetta on 6/18/24 at 6:30 am
[quote]I've been on TD longer than[/quote] my first marriage lasted...

re: Coworker is a pathological liar

Posted by boddagetta on 6/18/24 at 6:28 am
Stay in your lane. You have nothing to gain by calling him out....
[quote]all-electric F-150 Lightning[/quote] Hard pass...
Deep thoughts by Owlvis... Lunch: Rib plate (3 bones), beans & slaw Good afternoon to you people....

re: WW3?

Posted by boddagetta on 4/16/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]if we are close[/quote] Closer than you think [quote]should be worried[/quote] Definitely...

re: Have you ever been electrocuted?

Posted by boddagetta on 4/16/24 at 9:17 am
Nobody posting in this thread or able to post in this thread has been "electrocuted". You have been shocked. Electrocuted/Electrocution = Shocked to Death....

re: GMT

Posted by boddagetta on 4/15/24 at 7:18 am
:gmt: [quote]2023 Germany ends its use of nuclear power, closing its last three nuclear power plants - Emsland, Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim to focus on renewable energy[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcms4dXNyN2wxcG0wMWVpeWdjM3BtMHJ3ODBtZWFkaTVwZ3hjcHBmMSZlcD12...
[quote]Mansion[/quote] [quote]4,468 sq ft[/quote] :confused:...

re: GMT

Posted by boddagetta on 4/11/24 at 11:03 am
[quote]Lamberts Cafe[/quote] :yack: :yack: :yack: Some of the worst food I've ever had. Also +1 for Hot Springs, AR. Oaklawn, Superior Brewery (they make their beer using the hot spring water), Bathhouse Row, and more. Highly recommend....

re: OJ Simpson died

Posted by boddagetta on 4/11/24 at 9:46 am
I guess the cancer glove fit....

re: GMT

Posted by boddagetta on 4/11/24 at 6:41 am
:gmt: Morning, time to make the donuts....

re: Laid to Rest

Posted by boddagetta on 4/11/24 at 6:39 am
[quote]fur babies[/quote] Ugh... You had my sympathy until you used this term. Unless you are a woman, then it is mildly acceptable....
Lived in NH for 2 years. You definitely get all 4 seasons up there. Winters sucked but I don't think it would be that hard to get used to the temps/snow. NH folks I was around were damn good people, like Northern rednecks. ...
There is still time to save this thread. Post a few other memes to test the OT's comprehension. Let's make a game out of it. It will be a fun debate....
My Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer at age 63. Oncologist's diagnosis was pretty grim, gave him a slim chance of survival. Told him treatment might buy him a few more months. He refused the treatment & said "just send me home". I watched a man that I thought was immortal give up o...
POS no doubt, but as far as being the biggest? Naw man, there is some pretty stiff competition out here these days....