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re: AC Evaporator Coil Smell

Posted by damonster on 7/13/24 at 12:14 am
[quote]I don’t know what a bitter smell would be. However, if it is a sour smell, that is probably the acid they used to clean the coil.[/quote] Would it be as simple as spraying water to rinse off the acid? It’s a strong chemical smell. Not necessarily sour, but definitely doesn’t smell good....

re: AC Evaporator Coil Smell

Posted by damonster on 7/12/24 at 4:02 pm
I appreciate it. They scrubbed it with a little brush, but the chemical smell they used to clean with has just lingered. I’ll give them a call. Thanks...

re: Nerve Block Procedure

Posted by damonster on 7/12/24 at 7:08 am
I had it done on my back before ultimately having an epidural. It didn’t work at all for me, but the ESI does seem to work well....

AC Evaporator Coil Smell

Posted by damonster on 7/12/24 at 7:05 am
About 2 weeks ago we had some work done to our 2 units. Our downstairs unit had the evaporator coils cleaned. Ever since then, we’ve been smelling a rather strong “bitter” smell when we walk past the filter grate. I figured it would get better over time, but after 2 weeks it’s still just as strong. ...
[link=(https://rgf.com/products/phi-air-purification/halo-led-whole-home-in-duct-air-purifier/)]Reme Halo[/link] We just had these installed in our upstairs and downstairs units. They were about $500 each. Not sure how good they are yet but, if they do what they’re supposed to do then it’s a smal...
[quote]Sounds like this house and property own you, not the other way around. Selling the house would be an easy decision to make although it may hurt your pride.[/quote] I appreciate you saying this. I haven’t really thought of it like this but, it’s absolutely true! I believe if I were able to...
[quote]Agreed. The simulations practice added more value than the lectures (although the lectures may be more helpful if it’s been years since you covered the subject matter in undergrad).[/quote] I’ve always done better with lectures and actually having someone to ask a question to helps. It’s b...
[quote]You can’t drive and work more than 10 hours a day, come home and do yard work until bedtime, and enjoy life.[/quote] I know. When we bought the place it seemed like a good thing at the time but, I’m getting to the point that a yard with a battery operated mower sounds wonderful. I used to ...
[quote]2 hours in the car everyday and 16 hours of yard work every weekend? You are on a treadmill. Can your wife do some yard work? I’d look for expenses to cut to afford a yard guy. You need your weekends to recharge at minimum. How big is this property and house?[/quote] 2+ hours in the car...
[quote]Idk man, going to work for an accounting firm doing taxes fricking blows. It's not like thats an exciting job.[/quote] Taxes are one of the things everyone hates. Ideally, I could find something where I wouldn’t be doing taxes. I could see that leading to some burnout pretty quick....
[quote]While taking longer to study for each exam has an obvious benefit, the less obvious drawback is that your recollection of the earlier material may fade over time.[/quote] This scares me because I haven’t really used much Accounting in a long time. I picked it up really quick back in school...
[quote]In another post you mentioned your desire for the CFP, but you may want to research salary structures for CFP. Most of the ones I know start out with a low base pay, and you really make your money on your fees/commissions; then after a few years your base draw is gone, and you are strictly fe...
[quote]Also don't just narrow your focus in on CPA. Like I suggested in my earlier post also look at CIA, Fraud, CMA... Some of these may pique your interest a little more and could potentially help you take a step up within the State, maybe even a lateral move that will also come with better chance...
[quote]Just sign up for Becker and get going. Hug your wife and kids because you may not see them for a few months while you study. The best advice I can give you is to take it very serious from the start. If you fail a section do it again.[/quote] I understand what you’re saying but, is it so ti...
[quote]I like to tell people that the CPA exam isn't about how smart you are, it is about how much you hate yourself (or a nicer way to put it, how disciplined you are). You are older and will take it seriously. Buy Becker and follow their plan. You will be fine. I did it in my 30s with 3 kids and ...
[quote]Get your CPA while you’re working to get to the 20 year mark. Having CPA after your name gives you more job options than just being an accountant does, even in the non public accounting sector. Keep in mind that in the private sector you may have to move somewhere.[/quote] Whatever I end u...
[quote]What do you do besides work? Work gives us the money to do stuff we enjoy. What do you enjoy?[/quote] Well that’s a really good question that I’ve thought about a lot. My commute is currently 1 hour one way so that adds on to the work day. Once I get home, it’s pretty much time to fix sup...
[quote]Most jobs blow. It is what it is.[/quote] Yeah, this one isn’t too good but certainly could be worse. [quote]Next March, I get to walk away. Until then I have to suck it up.[/quote] Congratulations! [quote]Can you start an independent contracting business on the side? Just avoid...
[quote]So you could retire from a state job in your mid 50s and get 70k per year?[/quote] That would be correct. The problem is actually getting to that point. I’m sort of at a point where I don’t enjoy what I’m doing and it doesn’t pay enough. It’s definitely not what I went to school to do. I k...
[quote]18 years in tells me you may be close to starting to hit some retirement benchmarks. I’d check a few things, what do you get when you hit 20 or 25 years. If you leave government, then come back do you have to return in a certain time frame to maintain your previous years towards retirement be...